My Favorite Quotes

I love pithy quotes, one liners are amazing.  So here is a list of my favorite quotes.  I'll probably add more as I think of them.


  • "Fool," said my muse to me, "Look in thy heart and write." - Sir Philip Sidney
  • "There she weaves by night and day, a magic web, the colors gay.  She has heard a whisper say, a curse upon her if she stays to look down on Camelot." - Tennyson
  • Haikus are funny/But sometimes they don't make sense/Refrigerator
  • We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. - unknown
  • There's a special place in my heart where I can feel you near.  No matter how far, darling, you are in my thoughts you appear.  The way we love each other makes it hard to be apart so when I can't hold you in my arms, I hold you in my heart.
  • Don't compare our love to the flowers that only bloom on summer, instead, compare it to the river that flows forever.
  • The Internet: All of the piracy, none of the scurvy
  • An Apple a day keeps Windows away
  • Don't follow in my footsteps...I run into walls
  • i Suppert publick edjamacashun
  • I think, therefore I am homeschooled
  • Debate is life, everything else is just prep time
Quotes by Friends
  • Hugs are the sprinkles on the cupcake of life - Kelsey
  • SOUPENADA! - Katie
  • *turns around* I'm going to join this conversation, LALALALALA-HAHAHAHAHAHAH! *turns back around* - John Ryan
  • It makes my insides smile - Beth
  • While I was canoeing down the Zambezi river, our tour guide spoke entirely by clicking.  It made me feel rather like a dolphin from Sea World and I had the strangest craving for fish from a bucket. - Me
  • Look! He has five-No! Six different types of pipes on his truck!! - Lisa
  • - So I heard about Rico Chavez - You mean Hugo Chavez? - Whatever, I don't watch sports news. - Hannah and Camila
  • The kids....are gonna drown...there's no...fence! - Me
  • You have water, you are King! - Kelton
  • Papa-PapaRAZZI! - Jon
I'm sure I'll think of more later.  But this will do for now. :) ~Kate