Friday, July 9, 2010

Mini Thoughts

So today's post will probably be rather short in that I a. don't have much to tell you and b. am feeling very sleepy.  Probably because I had to get up at an ungodly hour to drive my dad to his carpool so I could have a car today. (Alright so it was 7:30 but this is summer time.  That translates to 5:30 at the very least!)

Random cool thing I saw today: I was driving to pick up our dinner and I saw a red balloon flying away.  It was overcast so the red of the balloon really stood out against the grey of the sky.  It was so pretty and I felt that it would be a good symbol for something.  What, I have no clue.  Perhaps I will have better thoughts in the morning.

Also, tomorrow's post will be longer than this puny little thing.  I apologize.  Until tomorrow, stay awesome.


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