Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thunky Thunks

Do you ever have those days where you don't accomplish like anything?  And then, you go on Facebook (or whatever social networking site you prefer) and see all the cool things that people are doing and you feel lame as all get out?  I had that kind of day today.  I didn't go anywhere, except for Church, and didn't do anything except read and listen to music.

Okay, I did watch two episodes of one of those ghost hunter shows.  Yes, I am a pathetic human being.  Yes, I know that they're probably totally faked.  Yes, I know that ghosts don't actually exist.  But it would be so cool if they did and then I'd kinda want to be one.  And then I'd find those guys who are all asking questions like, "Are you there?  Do you want us to leave?" and then I'd appear blatantly before them and go all spooky and then laugh as they ran away as fast as they could.

Yup.  That's what I'd do if I became a ghost.  I once had a story about that...a girl being a ghost.  I don't think it got very far because it was kind of lame.  Not awesome like The Mediator series. Yes, another series by Meg Cabot.  I can't help it, I just finished the last book of the Princess Diaries so I'm kinda Cabot-high. If you want to know, the book was great.  It sufficiently satisfied the romantic teenage girl side of me.  I don't know if it was my favorite one was really good.  But I've always really liked Avalon High...and Airhead, that was good too.  (Being Nikki will be better once I can find the next book in the series, cliff-hangers make me want to cry.)

So tomorrow I will be a functioning, contributing member of society.  I'm working VBS for our church and I'm seriously questioning my sanity in that I agreed to work the babies room.  I'm also questioning my sanity because we need to leave the house by the morning.  During Summer.  That means I need to be awake by like 6.  In. The. Morning.  I don't think I've had to get up that early since I left public school.

So I guess I should stop complaining to you about the fact I have to get up so early and go to bed.  Until tomorrow, stay awesome!

~ Kate

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